God, I feel so old
to count and confess all my sins.
When I remember You, I feel so cold,
shiver, tremble, but why I can't cry?
Everynight I hope Your Love will rinse
and Your Light will lead me into Your way.
to count and confess all my sins.
When I remember You, I feel so cold,
shiver, tremble, but why I can't cry?
Everynight I hope Your Love will rinse
and Your Light will lead me into Your way.
God, I feel so dirty.
The worldly things I take make me more thirsty.
Every mistake I did, drowned me into the dark sea.
Then I tried to find Your Light that I couldn't see.
Finally I found the Light in the deep of my heart,
covered by sins and vices that I've got.
God, please forgive me,
for my wickedness, selfishness, and foolness,
that blind me from Your Grace and Mercy.
I hunger to born anew in purity and holiness.
God, give me strength to pass the hard times.
So I can walk to reach You in my prime.